We, like most of
In this light, we have a proposal, and we’re determined to take it one step further than your pedestrian, run of the mill “Fire __________.com” (this is meant to disparage all such sites with the exception of FireJoeMorgan.com, which is good, though I’m told “full of shit.”) We are convinced that
In the hopes of ridding the airwaves and the WorldWideLeader of Bayless, we are willing to each purchase a 6 month (26 issues) subscription to ESPN the Magazine, immediately upon the firing of Skip Bayless. That comes to a cost of $26.00. And we believe that we are not alone. We think that at least 100,000 others are willing to make this same pledge. You hear that Bodenheimer? You ready to draft a "This is why we canned Bayless" memo Norby? $26 bucks times 100,000? For $2.6 million you could hire five new douchewhistles to scream at Stephen A while Dana Jacobsen tries to subvert her pangs to utter anti-Catholic hate speech in the background.
If you are willing to put your money where your mouth is, sign your name below and pledge that, if and when ESPN removes Bayless from its airwaves, you’re committed to 26 (annoyingly oversized) issues of ESPN the Mag.
We can make this happen. Its morning in America. We shall overcome. YES WE CAN. And all that other crap. Our long national nightmare will soon be over...
UPDATE: TJ took the time to create an actual online petition. The internet is a magical place. Game on Skip...game on...http://www.petitiononline.com/FireSkip/petition.html